You also get the advantages to add or deprecate fields without impacting existing queries and build APIs with whatever method is preferred. You signed out in another tab or window. You signed in with another tab or window. If you think the roadmap can be improved, please do open a PR with any updates and submit any issues. Also, I will continue to improve this, so you might want to star this repository to revisit.

At its core, it uses structure-based documents instead of tables and schemas that come with extensive REST APIs for storing and searching data. You can think of ElasticSearch as a server that processes JSON requests and giving you back JSON data. Project file can be found at Node.js-developer-roadmap.xml file. To modify it, open, click Open Existing Diagram and choose xml file with project. Update it, upload and update the images in readme and create a PR (export as png with 400% zoom and minify that with There is a lot when it comes to understanding real-time communication in Socket.IO if you are just getting started as a backend developer, the main logic behind real-time communication stands between the client and the server.

Database Management

And the data can be sent in the form of JSON requests. In REST the architecture is styled with simple HTTP calls to communicate instead of complex options like COBRA, COM+, RPC. In REST the calls are messages based and rely on the HTTP standards to describe these messages. In the Node.js ecosystem, you can go for the node-rest-client and Axios, both serve pretty good service for faster web applications. And instead of sendind the list of authorization to the user, we can store the user’s authorization in some form of database and provide the user a key-value which they have to send us for authorization. In this caching technique we combine the memory of multiple networks into a single memory data store which we later use as the final data cache to prove fast access to the data.

  • Update it, upload and update the images in readme and create a PR (export as png with 400% zoom and minify that with
  • And the data can be sent in the form of JSON requests.
  • The project is OpenSource,6th most starred project on GitHub and is visited by hundreds of thousands of developers every month.
  • A flexible and developer-friendly alternative, as you can deploy it even in an IDE known as GraphiQL.
  • Community created roadmaps, articles, resources and journeys to help you choose your path and grow in your career.

I recently switched from an 8-5 job to freelancing, which is going great. Community created roadmaps, Middle Node.js developer job articles, resources and journeys to help you choose your path and grow in your career.

Memory Cache

Before REST, APIs were developed around a remote procedure call and the APIs looked like some locally executed code. Many technologies tried to solve this problem using RPC-like stacks to hide the root problem and after that REST was introduced to build web-based APIs in a better way. The project is OpenSource,6th most starred project on GitHub and is visited by hundreds of thousands of developers every month.

A search and analytics engine built on Apache Lucene and developed in Java. Using ElasticSearch you can store, and analyze huge volumes of data in real-time. As it searches the index instead of searching the text, great search performance is also achieved in ElasticSearch.

Distributed Cache

This technique is especially used in a high volume of data and a huge number of network calls at the same time allows incremental expansion and scaling by adding more server memory to the cluster. A great alternative to REST, GraphQL uses the APIs that prioritize giving clients exactly the data they request. A flexible and developer-friendly alternative, as you can deploy it even in an IDE known as GraphiQL.